Friday, August 24, 2007

Struts2 + Spring + JUnit

Hopefully this entry serves as some search engine friendly documentation on how one might unit test Struts 2 actions configured using Spring, something I would think many, many people want to do. This used to be done using StrutsTestCase in the Struts 1.x days but Webwork/Struts provides enough flexibility in its architecture to accommodate unit testing fairly easily. I’m not going to go over how the Spring configuration is setup. I’m assuming you have a struts.xml file which has actions configured like this:

<package namespace="/site" extends="struts-default">
<action name="deletePerson" class="personAction"
<result name="success">/WEB-INF/pages/person.jsp</result>

You also might have an applicationContext.xml file where you might define your Spring beans like this.

<bean id="personAction"

Then of course you also need to have an action which you want to test which might look something like:

public class PersonAction extend ActionSupport { 

private int id;

public int getId() {
return id;
public void setId(int id) { = id;
public String deletePerson() {
return SUCCESS;

Remember than in Struts 2, an action is usually called before and after various other interceptors are invoked. Interceptor configuration is usually specified in the struts.xml file. At this point we need to cover three different methods of how you might want to call your actions.

  1. Specify request parameters which are translated and mapped to the actions domain objects (id in the PersonAction class) and then execute the action while also executing all configured interceptors.
  2. Instead of specifying request parameters, directly specify the values of the domain objects and then execute the action while also executing all configured interceptors.
  3. Finally, you just might want to execute the action and not worry about executing the interceptors. Here you’ll specify the values of the actions domain objects and then execute the action.

Depending on what you’re testing and what scenario you want to reproduce, you should pick the one that suits the case. There’s an example of all three cases below. The best way I find to test all your action classes is to have one base class which sets up the Struts 2 environment and then your action test classes can extend it. Here’s a class that could be used as one of those base classes.

See the comments for a little more detail about whats going on. One point to note is that the class being extended here is junit.framework.TestCase and not org.apache.struts2.StrutsTestCase as one might expect. The reason for this is that StrutsTestCase is not really a well written class and does not provide enough flexibility in how we want the very core Dispatcher object to be created. Also, the interceptor example shown in the Struts documentation does not compile as there seems to have been some sort of API change. It’s been fixed in this example.

public class BaseStrutsTestCase extends TestCase {

private Dispatcher dispatcher;
protected ActionProxy proxy;
protected MockServletContext servletContext;
protected MockHttpServletRequest request;
protected MockHttpServletResponse response;

* Created action class based on namespace and name
protected T createAction(Class clazz, String namespace, String name)
throws Exception {

// create a proxy class which is just a wrapper around the action call.
// The proxy is created by checking the namespace and name against the
// struts.xml configuration
proxy = dispatcher.getContainer().getInstance(ActionProxyFactory.class).
namespace, name, null, true, false);

// set to true if you want to process Freemarker or JSP results
// by default, don't pass in any request parameters
setParameters(new HashMap());

// set the actions context to the one which the proxy is using
request = new MockHttpServletRequest();
response = new MockHttpServletResponse();
return (T) proxy.getAction();

protected void setUp() throws Exception {
String[] config = new String[] { "META-INF/applicationContext-aws.xml" };

// Link the servlet context and the Spring context
servletContext = new MockServletContext();
XmlWebApplicationContext appContext = new XmlWebApplicationContext();

// Use spring as the object factory for Struts
StrutsSpringObjectFactory ssf = new StrutsSpringObjectFactory(
null, null, servletContext);

// Dispatcher is the guy that actually handles all requests. Pass in
// an empty Map as the parameters but if you want to change stuff like
// what config files to read, you need to specify them here
// (see Dispatcher's source code)
dispatcher = new Dispatcher(servletContext,
new HashMap());

By extending the above class for our action test classes we can easily simulate any of the three scenarios listed above. I’ve added three methods to PersonActionTest which illustrate how to test the above three cases: testInterceptorsBySettingRequestParameters, testInterceptorsBySettingDomainObjects() and testActionAndSkipInterceptors(), respectively.

public class PersonActionTest extends BaseStrutsTestCase { 

* Invoke all interceptors and specify value of the action
* class' domain objects directly.
* @throws Exception Exception
public void testInterceptorsBySettingDomainObjects()
throws Exception {
PersonAction action = createAction(PersonAction.class,
"/site", "deletePerson");
String result = proxy.execute();
assertEquals(result, "success");

* Invoke all interceptors and specify value of action class'
* domain objects through request parameters.
* @throws Exception Exception
public void testInterceptorsBySettingRequestParameters()
throws Exception {
createAction(PersonAction.class, "/site", "deletePerson");
Map params = new HashMap();
params.put("id", "123");
String result = proxy.execute();
assertEquals(result, "success");

* Skip interceptors and specify value of action class'
* domain objects by setting them directly.
* @throws Exception Exception
public void testActionAndSkipInterceptors() throws Exception {
PersonAction action = createAction(PersonAction.class,
"/site", "deletePerson");
String result = action.deletePerson();
assertEquals(result, "success");

The source code for Dispatcher is probably a good thing to look at if you want to configure your actions more specifically. There are options to specify zero-configuration, alternate XML files and others. Ideally the StrutsTestCaseHelper should be doing a lot more than what it does right now (creating a badly configured Dispatcher) and should allow creation of custom dispatchers and object factories. That’s the reason why I’m not using StrutsTestCase since all that does is make a couple calls using StrutsTestCaseHelper.

If you want to test your validation, its pretty easy. Here’s a snippet of code that might do that:

 public void testValidation() throws Exception {
SomeAction action = createAction(SomeAction.class,
"/site", "someAction");
// lets forget to set a required field: action.setId(123);
String result = proxy.invoke();
assertEquals(result, "input");
assertTrue("Must have one field error",
action.getFieldErrors().size() == 1);

This example uses Struts 2.0.8 and Spring 2.0.5.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Using DAO Design Pattern

DAO Pattern Definition

Access to data varies depending on the source of the data. Access to persistent storage, such as to a database, varies greatly depending on the type of storage (relational databases, object-oriented databases, flat files, and so forth) and the vendor implementation.
Reference: Blue Prints


When you are creating your application framework, you would like to persist your data using smart techniques, and I am not talking about Hibernate, JDO, OJB or anything else, however I can ask for you? Can your application support a storage system replacement without any problem? If your asnwer is NO, this text will be useful for you.

Define a Interface as foundation for DAOs

You can define a simple Interface, describing "WHAT" you would like to do, and not "HOW" to do. Getting this idea, we can to think in Interfaces usage. Take a look in the following code:

package framework.dao; 

import java.util.Collection;

public interface IGenericDAO {
public void save(Object object) throws DAOException;
public void update(Object object) throws DAOException;
public void remove(Object object) throws DAOException;
public Object findByPrimaryKey(Object pk) throws DAOException;
public Collection findAll() throws DAOException;

You can see that this interface can remind you the EJB EntityBeans model, if you are thinking it is correct! EntityBeans is a great idea, so We can continue using nice ideas(concepts) like that.
In fact, we are exposing that this interface says that It can save, update, remove or find results against Information storage.

We need a simple extension from java.lang.Exception called DAOException, which can be throwed by any method, its source can be as simple as in the following code section:

package framework.dao; 

public class DAOException extends Exception {
public DAOException(String message) {
public DAOException(Throwable e) {
The Implementation

We talked previouslly about smart codes, so we need to create and use it automaticlly and easier! You can have two choices:

  • Create a DAOFactory class
  • Use Spring Framework


This class will implement a couple of patterns,as such:
Singleton - We will use one and just one instance and
Factory Method - The method returns always an interface, but in execution it will return a concrete class as wich implements this interface, in this case IGenericDAO.
See the following code for DAOFactory:

import java.util.Properties;

public class DAOFactory {

private static DAOFactory me = null;

private Properties props = null;

private DAOFactory() {
try {
props = new Properties();
} catch (IOException e) {

public static DAOFactory getInstance() {
if (null == me) {
me = new DAOFactory();
return me;

public IGenericDAO getDAO(String name) {
IGenericDAO retorno = null;
try {
retorno = (IGenericDAO) Class.forName(props.getProperty(name))
} catch (InstantiationException e) {
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
return retorno;

The DAOFactory is using a properties file to discover the real implementations for DAOs that will be requested by applications.

You can create much better resource of reading, as such to auto-detect changes and update the properties in memory and other stuff.

Using Spring Framework

You can work with Dependency Injection, and you will use the context.xml used in all Spring Applications to describe this dependency.
Other nice Spring's feature is the ability to create DAOs implementations extends the HibernateDAOSupport class, which offer a lot of nice things to make your development easier.

This entry is to make you think that your applications can use dinamic configurations issues, and reduce the coupling between your layers, if you will use Spring or your own IoC framework, the most important is to use some useful DAO strategy as I this text is decribing (more information about DAO in Spring Framework - here).

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Java: PermGen OutOfMemory

This blog is in relation to Java PermGen OutOfMemory issue as described in Frank Kieviet's blog entries:

    Classloader leaks and How to fix Classloader leaks? 

To summarize, a new instance of custom Classloader is created by Application Server whenever a new application (.ear, .jar, .war) is deployed to the server, and this Classloader is used to load all the classes and resources contained in this application.  Benefit in this approach is that, this way applications are self-contained and isolated from each other, and there are no conflicts between different applications.  When an application is undeployed from server, its associated Classloader is also unloaded, and it is subject to garbage-collection by JVM.

As described in Frank's blog, there are situations in which Classloaders cannot be garbage-collected because of dangling references to them thru most unexpected places, and this will cause memory-leak in the PermGen space (a special section of heap).  To find the cause of this problem, I used JDK 6.0's jmap and jhat utility to generate memory dump and analyze memory dump, respectively.

Orphaned Classloader

jhat utility can be easily extended to include your own query on the heap snapshot, you need to download and modify the jhat source code though.  I added a new query to find all the Orphaned Classloaders in memory and display all the reference links to these Orphaned Classloaders.  By orphaned, I mean these classloader instances that have no strong-reference chains to them from the root set, except by these strong-references chains from rootset that goes through instance of Class loaded by the Classloader.  To illustrate this, see the diagram below (solid line = strong-reference, dash-line = weak-reference) :

The yellow Classloader instance is orphaned, because the only strong-reference chain to it from root set is the chain that goes through B.class, and B.class is loaded by this Classloader (all the red lines).  All other references that do not go through classes loaded by this Classloader are weak-references.  This scenario is a possible suspect of Classloader leak, because most likely Orphaned Classloaders are not intended result of programmer, there are exceptions though.  By using this query, we can easily find all the possible suspects, and then goes through each one to determine if they are real memory leak or not.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

DBMS_METADATA Package in Oracle

All SQL statements are devided into two main categories:
DDL - data definition language;
DML - data manipulation languauge.
DML is used to change the data in the database tables. Instructions of DML are well-known for everyone: insert, update, delete. In order to save changes to database (so, the other users will see them), you need to execute commit operator. To discard all of your changes you have to execute rollback operator.
All database objects (triggers, tables, indices, etc.) have their definitions. DDL-expressions (metadata) of these objects can be extracted from the database schema. DDL-expressions will help you during database analysis and optimization.
This article will teach you, how objects’ definitions can be extracted from the Oracle database instance.

Previous versions of Oracle provide no specialized ways for DDL extraction. The only way is to execute some SQL-statements or simply export database schema and parse it. These methods have both limitations and disadvantages.
Oracle 9i (and higher) brings us a powerful package - DBMS_METADATA. Functions from DBMS_METADATA package provide an easy way to get objects’ definitions either in XML representation or in DDL one.
The main function you are going to use is get_ddl. There are two ways of calling it:

  • with two parameters - object’s type and object’s name;
  • with three parameters - object’s type, object’s name and schema’s name.

For example, in order to get metadata for TRIGGER1 trigger form schema SCHEMA1 you have to use this call:

select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TRIGGER','TRIGGER1', 'SCHEMA1') from dual.

While working with your own schema, you can ommit the third parameter. The valid objects’ types are PROCEDURE, TABLE, CONSTRAINT, INDEX, etc.
You might have noticed the dual table in the SQL statement. This is auxiliary Oracle’s table. It consists of one column (name - “DUMMY”) and one record (value - “X”). Try to execute

select * from dual

and you will see it.
The owner of “dual” table is SYS, but every user of database can use it. While trying to execute valid SQL statement over the “dual” table we will get no more then one record in the result set (just believe me :)). Of course, you can modify the definition of “dual” table but I strongly recommend you not to do so.
Sometimes you will not be informed about the objects’ names. In order to get objects’ names for the current schema you can execute this sort of statement:

select * from USER_TABLES;
select * from USER_TAB_COLUMNS;
select * from USER_INDEXES;

and so on.
So, we did it. From now you can use metadata where ever you wish.
Best regards.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Java research: Anonymous Inner Classes

There are a lot of articles through Internet which have mistakes regarding anonymous inner classes in Java. Anonymous inner class:

  • has no name;
  • can’t be declared as static;
  • can be instantiated only once.

Let me show you the truth.
Consider the following code:

public class Anonymous {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable anonym = new Runnable() {
public void run() {

In order to get the name of inner class write down the following:


You’ll get something like that: Anonymous$1.
Anonymous class can be either static or non-static. It depends on the block in which the class have been declared. In the previous example the anonymous class was static. In this case we can create the second instance of this class in such a way:

Runnable anonym2 = (Runnable) anonym

There is no need in type cast in JDK 1.5.
If the anonymous class was declared in non-static block, we have to provide a reference to the outer class to the proper constructor (in reflection veritas!). In the other case we’ll get the InstantiationException.
Here we have an example (determining of proper constructor and exception handling are not shown below):

public class Anonymous {
public void nonStaticMethod() {
Runnable anonym = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Constructor[] constructors = anonym.getClass()
Object[] params = new Object[1];
params[0] = this;

Runnable anonym2 = (Runnable) constructors[0]

public static void main(String[] args) {
Anonymous example = new Anonymous();

In this example we have to use getDeclaredConstructors instead of getConstructors. Method getConstructors will return only public constructors, while needed constructor is protected one.

Have a nice day.

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Familiarity with Stripes

Taken from the official site Stipes.

Stripes is a presentation framework for building web applications using the latest Java technologies. The main driver behind Stripes is that web application development in Java is just too much work! It seems like every existing framework requires gobs of configuration. Struts is pretty feature-light and has some serious architectural issues. Others, like WebWork 2 and Spring-MVC are much better, but still require a lot of configuration, and seem to require you to learn a whole new language just to get started.

Stripes was born out of ongoing frustration with the lack of a high quality, easy to use web framework. Sure, Struts has its good points, but there are a lot of small things that really add up. A lot of small things that you learn to work around, and live with, without realizing how unproductive it's making you.

Up until recently it would have been difficult to create a framework that was better-enough to warrant competing with Struts. And with JSF on the horizon (perpetually?), and other web frameworks in play (WebWork, Tapestry, Wicket) some might question the rationale behind yet another framework. But with Java 1.5 and Servlet 2.4 I think the time has come. The rationale is plain and simple - I wanted a web framework that made it easy, no, fun, to write web applications in Java. The best way to demonstrate is perhaps by a comparison with Struts.

Number of artifacts

One of prime frustrations with Struts is the fact that just to implement a single page/form, I have to write or edit so many files. And I have to keep them in sync, or else things start going horribly wrong. With Struts I have to write JSP, Action, Form, a form-bean stanza in the struts-config.xml, an action stanza in the struts-config.xml, and if I'm going to do it the Struts way, a bunch of forward stanzas. And let's not go into the fact that since this is all stored in one xml file I'm continually facing merge conflicts with team mates. Yes, there are annotations for Struts, but they are just literal translations of what's in the XML file, and they don't feel natural to me.

Compare this with Stripes. I write JSP. I write ActionBean and annotate it with a @UrlBinding to specify the URL it should respond to, and one or more @HandlesEvent annotations to map events to methods. I'm done. All the information about the form and the action is in the same place.

Incremental development

Write a JSP with a Struts <html:form> tag on it and try to preview it in your container before you write your form-bean. Boom! You can't. Exception! Could not find form bean! Now write your form bean. Wait - that's still not good enough. Since everything is hooked together through the action stanza in the XML you better have an action, and edit that too.

Maybe it's just me, but I like to be able to write JSP, see if it looks ok, then go and write the back end components to go with it. It's not brain surgery, and Stripes lets you do it.

Property binding

Struts lets you use nested properties, and that's great. But say you have a property on your Form 'person.address.line1'. Struts will try and set it for you, but if person or address is null, you'll be very sad indeed. So you have to pre-instantiate any objects on which you want to use nested properties. This just seems like too much work.

Stripes will instantiate just about anything for you. Just so long as 'person' and 'address' have no-arg constructors Stripes will build them, join them together, set them on your ActionBean and then set the 'line1' property. It'll even instantiate implementations for any of the Collections interfaces, which leads us to...

Indexed Properties

The JavaBean specification is great for the most part, but it is clearly a child of the Java GUI side of the house. Struts' implementation of indexed properties matches the JavaBean specification. But in a disconnected web model, your Action won't know (and shouldn't have to know) how many indexed properties are coming back. To make it work you end up coding "smart" indexed getter and setter methods that extend lists and insert objects just to keep Struts happy.

Stripes does it all for you. You provide a getter and setter that use a List or Map type, using generics to inform Stripes what type of thing should be in the List or Map. Stripes will instantiate the List or Map for you if necessary, extend it when needed, manufacture new objects and put them in the list and, you know, set properties of objects in the list.


Other frameworks take shots at Struts for Validation. It's just fundamentally in the wrong place. Forget that the Struts Validator requires yet another XML file with yet more information about your Form that has to be kept in sync. Validation in Struts is divorced from Type Conversion. This is just plain wrong. Why validate that something is a well formed date, then spend a whole bunch more effort converting it to one? Well Struts almost does that. It expends a lot of effort validating it, tosses it all away and then performs some pretty weak type conversion. It's inefficient, and a pain to use. Which is why most of the Struts projects I've seen steer clear of Struts Validator.

In Stripes validation is tied closely to type conversion. A number of commonly used validations can be applied pre-conversion using a simple annotation. This includes things like required field checks, length checks, regex checking etc. Then type conversion happens, or tries to. If it fails, type converters produce validation errors that can be displayed to the user. So you can put your effort into creating good type converters (if the built in ones don't cover your needs) and be done.

Null mean Null (or does it)

Ask yourself this. You have an int property in your form bean and the user doesn't enter a value in a text box. What should your property be set to? Zero sounds like a sensible default right? Now, what if you have an Integer property? If the user doesn't submit anything I'd say that means null wouldn't you? Apparently Struts thinks it means zero again. And if there are validation errors, the form will even repopulate with the value zero! The only way to get around this is to declare your number properties as Strings and do your own conversion (which is a lot of effort if your dealing with multiple Locales).

Stripes takes the position that the HTML specification is a little inconsistent, and does what it can to make it more consistent for application developers. As a result, empty strings are treated the same as if the field didn't get submitted. The user didn't enter a value, so why should your ActionBean receive one and have to figure out what it means?


The Struts FAQ says this (among other things) in answer to why the Struts tags provide so little formatting:

Great. JSTL doesn't have form tags, so while JSTL is great, it doesn't really help here. JSF and Struts don't mix so well even now, and that's a reason to leave people without formatting for years? And the last is just a cop-out. I want to be able to format data in the right way for each page. And it needs to be localizable etc.

Stripes provides high quality formatting support using the same java.text APIs that the JSTL formatting is built on. It's as similar to JSTL formatting as it can be, while being constrained to living on form tags (i.e. we can't have a separate tag for formatting a date vs. a number and so on).

Multi-Event Actions

If you want to have a form that submits multiple different events in Struts you have to either extend the DispatchAction or write your own support for it. And since the DispatchAction requires all buttons to have the same name, and uses the value to determine the method to invoke, it's a huge pain if you're using localized or even just externalized values for your buttons.

Stripes uses the name of the button itself, and has built in support for multi-event Actions. You can localize to your heart's content, and Stripes will detect which button was pressed and invoke the right method for you.

JSP / View Helpers

Struts doesn't really provide a good pattern for providing dynamic data to JSPs that are not the result of another Action. This leaves you with the options of writing a pre-action for the page or doing something outside of Struts. Then, what if another Action wants to forward to your page after it's completed processing. Do you chain the actions? Do you make the second action meet the dependencies of the page also?

Stripes has a neat way of handling this. A custom tag allows the use of ActionBeans as view helpers. It works similarly to the jsp:useBean tag in that if the ActionBean already exists it just gives you a reference to it. If it doesn't exist, the tag will bring it into existence, bind data out of the request on to it, and get it ready for use.

"HTML" Tags

Maybe it's just me who could never get used to it, but why do the Struts form input tags use 'property' instead of 'name'? And why is it 'styleClass' instead of 'class'? It also makes it hard to change a tag back and forth from a plain HTML tag to a Struts tag.

Stripes takes pains to make all the form input tags as close to (if not identical to) their HTML counterparts as possible.

Who had experience with Stripes? Does it make sense to use it? Your comments are welcome.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Singleton Pattern in Java

Design patterns are descriptions of problems and possible ways of their solving during object-oriented design (OOD).
Maybe the most popular design pattern is Singleton Pattern. It is used to guarantee that there will be only one instance of particular object in the application. The realization of this pattern can be useful while creating Connection Pool, Factory, Configuration Manager, etc.
In this article you will find basic description of this pattern and the example of its practical usage (in Java).
Look through the following code:

public class Singleton {
private static Singleton _instance = null;

private Singleton() {}

public synchronized static Singleton getInstance() {
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new Singleton();
return _instance;

The constructor of this class has to be declared as private. This modificator with the help of getInstance method prevents user from creating several instances of class. So, we can add the final modificator to the class declaration.
As mentioned above, getInstance() method will create the only one instance of Singleton class. This method is synchronized one! This limitation is used to guarantee that in multi-threaded environment there would be only one instance of Singleton class as well as in the single-threaded application.
We can get rid of synchronized keyword. In order to do that the _instance field must be initialized like this:

private static Singleton _instance = new Singleton(),

Of course, the “if” construction is not critical in this case.

I use implemetation of this pattern while working with project configuration. For example, the configuration file “props.txt” consists of properties set.
Consider the following code:

import java.util.*;

public class Configuration {
private static Configuration _instance = null;

private Properties props = null;

private Configuration() {
props = new Properties();
try {
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(new File(“props.txt”));
catch (Exception e) {
// catch Configuration Exception right here

public synchronized static Configuration getInstance() {
if (_instance == null)
_instance = new Configuration();
return _instance;

// get property value by name
public String getProperty(String key) {
String value = null;
if (props.containsKey(key))
value = (String) props.get(key);
else {
// the property is absent
return value;

Use the following code to get the value for the specified property:

String propValue = Configuration.getInstance()

Also you can provide some useful constants for your properties:

public static final String PROP_KEY = “propKey”,

and get their values in such a way:

String propValue = Configuration.getInstance()

That’s all. Best regards.

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